A business is successful to the extent that it provides a product or a service that contributes to happiness in all of its forms


Social Responsibility is a key factor for development of our environment and society as a whole, It is not possible to have a strong functioning Business in a world of increasing inequality, Poverty and Climate change, So SMS Gears and its team has taken various steps in development of the society.

SMS Gears has 4 divisions that focus on key areas of social responsibility-Environment, Ethical, Philanthropic, Economic.

We have also been actively running an old age home. which is completely free, where we have accommodated around 40 elderly citizens, WE provide them with all the medical and other needs They have been living in Happy and Safe Environment. We also celebrate all the festivals with them.

Through SMS Foundation we have sponsored education of many students and we have also sponsored Children of Tamil Nadu participating in para-Olympics. We have provided free bore water supply for government schools in and around Coimbatore.

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